Authoritarian Turn

It is not only non-democratic regimes that resort to authoritarian practices. They can increasingly be found in use also in formally democratic states, as the examples of shrinking civic space, populism, and democratic backsliding show.

Authoritarian Turn

  • Oxford Handbooks | 05/2024

    Legitimacy and Legitimation Strategies in Authoritarian Regimes

    All authoritarian regimes seek to substantiate their right to rule. In this chapter, we differentiate legitimation—understood as the process of claiming popular support—from legitimacy itself, which refers to the extent to which a regime is perceived as legitimate by its citizens.

    Research Project | 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2029

    Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM): Imagining Futures - Dealing with Disparity, Phase II

    The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) based in Tunis is the first and only Institute for Advanced Studies in North Africa. MECAM’s ambition is to become an intellectual hub that contributes to the emergence of cutting-edge, internationally relevant and visible research in the humanities and social sciences on, from and in the Maghreb and in particular with scholars from the Maghreb. The GIGA coordinates MECAM's publications as well as outreach and transfer activities.
    BMBF, 2023-2029

    Oxford Handbooks | 05/2024

    Legitimacy and Legitimation Strategies in Authoritarian Regimes

    All authoritarian regimes seek to substantiate their right to rule. In this chapter, we differentiate legitimation—understood as the process of claiming popular support—from legitimacy itself, which refers to the extent to which a regime is perceived as legitimate by its citizens.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 3/2024

    India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications

    The outcome of India’s 2024 national elections will define its future course as a democracy. Examined are the key factors and trends likely to influence India’s politics and policies in the coming years.

    Video GIGA Forum Coups Africa
    Video GIGA Forum Coups Africa

    GIGA Forum | 06/12/2023

    Done With Democracy? How Military Coups Have Changed Africa’s Political Landscape

    This GIGA Forum discusses the recent wave of military coups in Africa in light of their implications for democracy in the region and for European foreign policy.

    Conference | 01/07/2024 - 05/07/2024

    The Campaign after the Coup: How Militaries Entrench their Power through Interim Governance

    ERGOMAS 17th Biennial Conference, Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm Organisers: European Research Group on Military and Society Hager Ali (Speaker)

    Paper presentation at ERGOMAS' 17th Biennial Conference, organized in cooperation with the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society

    Conference | 31/05/2024 - 02/06/2024

    Democracy and Development: Global Dialogue on Autocratization and Re-Democratization

    Democracy and Development: Global Dialogue on Autocratization and Re-Democratization, Central European University Democracy Institute, Budapest Organisers: Central European University Hager Ali (Invited Guest)

    The CEU DI Annual Conference, under the theme “Democracy and Development: Global Dialogue on Autocracy and Re-Democratization", is dedicated to rethinking democracy in its political, social, and economic dimensions. This year’s conference will also mark the launch of the Global Forum on Democracy and Development, a project generously funded by the Open Society Foundation. This ambitious initiative aims to facilitate creative and critical cross-regional collaboration among scholars from the Global South and North.

    Conference | 27/05/2024 - 29/05/2024

    Die Sahelzone. Konfliktherde und ihre regionalen Auswirkungen

    Die MENA-Region im Fokus. Aktuelle Entwicklungen, regionale Zusammenhänge und Perspektiven, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing Organisers: Akademie für Politische Bildung Hager Ali (Consultant)

    Im Nahen und Mittleren Osten finden derzeit bedeutende politische Verschiebungen statt, die von einem wachsenden Selbstbewusstsein einzelner staatlicher Akteure geprägt sind. China und Indien verstärken ihre Präsenz in der Region, was die geopolitische Landschaft weiter verändert. Auch die destabilisierenden Konflikte in der Sahelzone wirken sich zunehmend auf den Nahen und Mittleren Osten aus und stellen eine weitere Herausforderung dar. GIGA Wissenschaftlerin Hager Ali spricht über den Krieg im Sudan, und zeichnet nach, wie sich innenpolitische Konflikte in regionale Krisenherde ausweiten können.
    Ein Event in Kooperation mit der Jungen Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik (GSP) und Middle East Minds.

    President (ad interim)

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is President (ad interim) of the GIGA.

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach

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