Specific Editions of the GIGA Focus Series

Across five editions, the GIGA Focus Series publishes research findings from and concise analyses of current events in our study regions. Four of these editions cover, as such, politics, economics, and society in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, respectively. The fifth is a transregional edition examining global trends.

  • GIGA Focus Global | 2/2024

    Why Just Energy Transition Partnerships Are Not Enough

    JETPs are envisioned as catalysts for socially just energy transitions in fossil fuel-dependent countries. Yet, shortcomings of the mechanism, political-economic structures, and the initial implementation plans of South Africa, Indonesia, and Vietnam leave major doubts this goal will be reached.

    GIGA Focus Global | 2/2023

    Digital Skills in the Global South: Gaps, Needs, and Progress

    The arrival of AI-powered chatbots has made many people think once again about the skills needed for the "digital future of work." Poorer countries in particular exhibit large “digital skills gaps.” This GIGA Focus looks at digital skills in the Global South.

    GIGA Focus Global | 6/2022

    Bolstering the Bromances: Turkey’s and Iran’s Tightening Ties with Africa

    The war against Ukraine has created possibilities for emerging actors in Africa – such as Iran and Turkey – to scale up their engagement with the continent. This Focus deals with the question of how the changing global dynamics are allowing Iran and Turkey to boost their ties across the African continent.

    GIGA Focus Africa | 3/2024

    South Africa’s Watershed Election: The Dawn of Coalition Politics

    In a historic election, the African National Congress lost its absolute majority for the first time since the democratic transition in 1994. Amid a profound domestic crisis and significant international challenges, South Africa’s political landscape will fundamentally change.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 6/2023

    The Indo-Pacific: Confidence-Building in Times of Growing Conflict Potential

    Growing geopolitical rivalries, military modernisation, and related developments could lead to the escalation of simmering conflicts in the Indo-Pacific. Regional powers and actors should enhance existing Confidence-Building Measures to increase stability. Europe should assist them.

    Wolfgang Rudischhauser

    Former Diplomat in Residence and Fellow

    GIGA Focus Latin America | 3/2024

    Mexico: Sheinbaum to Face Militarisation and Human Rights Concerns

    Mexico is experiencing militarisation with increased violence and persistent human rights violations. While civil society actors are demanding an end to this policy, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum secured victory by pledging continuity to the outgoing López Obrador Presidency.

    GIGA Focus Latin America | 6/2023

    Crisis in the Andes: The Rise (and Fall?) of Two Women Leaders

    Women, often seen as political outsiders, bring renewal during crises but face added challenges. Examining Jeanine Añez and Dina Boluarte in Bolivia and Peru respectively reveals these dynamics, shedding light on the potential implications for future female political leaders.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 1/2024

    Ten Things to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa in 2024

    From the Gaza War to other regional conflicts and the lasting importance of oil, the Middle East and North Africa region remains pivotal for Europe. We present ten issues that will play a central role in the relationship between both regions in the year ahead.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 6/2023

    Converging Interests, Diverging Realities: Arab League–EU Cooperation

    Caught in an endless cycle of engagement–suspicion–decline, the EU–Arab League relationship, now fractured anew by the Gaza crisis, requires deeper engagement and collaboration, extending beyond traditional security concerns, to break the existing cycle and profoundly reshape diplomatic realities.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 4/2023

    Tunisia’s Autocratisation under President Kais Saied

    After the Arab uprisings, Tunisia would emerge as the only Arab democracy. President Kais Saied’s July 2021 coup has, however, led to the autocratisation of the state. This GIGA Focus traces Saied’s base of support, his strategies, and rhetoric, as well as their implications for Tunisia’s future.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 3/2023

    Mosque Geopolitics in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The Focus examines the extent, contours, and impact of the foreign funding of mosques in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the end of the Bosnian war of 1992–1995. It presents the different actors involved and highlights the implications of this funding in terms of architectural and religious practices.

    Robin Cognée

    Former Visiting Fellow


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