

The GIGA publishes its research results primarily as articles in prestigious journals and as books with international university presses. Get an overview of our publications below.

  • Middle East Journal | 07/2024

    Special Issue Introduction: Iraq since 2003

    Today, the United States’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 is widely regarded as a strategic failure that caused tremendous humanitarian suffering, especially in its aftermath. Two decades later there is a shift in memory culture toward the inclusion of more Iraqi voices and alternative approaches.

    Dr. Achim Rohde

    Academy in Exile

    All GIGA Publications

    By disseminating its research via influential journals and publishers, the GIGA achieves high global visibility and assumes an intellectual-leadership role. Research results regularly appear as peer-reviewed articles or are published in books and anthologies.

    The Institute’s own publications – the GIGA Focus Series, GIGA Journal Family, and GIGA Working Papers – have been freely available online for more than ten years now in accordance with the Open Access principle. This makes the GIGA one of the pioneers of free, wide-ranging access to academic expertise. The GIGA is also co-editor of the journal Iberoamericana.

    The Middle East Journal | 07/2024

    Peacebuilding, Patronage-Building, and Post-Conflict NGO Corruption: Barriers to Democratization in Anbar, Iraq

    Promoting civil society has been a standard component of post-conflict democratic peacebuilding. In post-2003 Iraq, however, the international coalition's introduction of the muhasasa system (apportionment) inhibited local nongovernmental organizations' ability to hold the government to account and made many NGOs into vehicles of state capture.

    Middle East Journal | 07/2024

    Special Issue Introduction: Iraq since 2003

    Today, the United States’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 is widely regarded as a strategic failure that caused tremendous humanitarian suffering, especially in its aftermath. Two decades later there is a shift in memory culture toward the inclusion of more Iraqi voices and alternative approaches.

    Dr. Achim Rohde

    Academy in Exile

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

    GIGA Journal Family


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