Katharina Fietz

Doctoral Researcher

Katharina Fietz

  • Short CV

    • Since 07/2021: Research fellow and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme
    • Since 07/2021: Consultant World Bank, Social Protection and Jobs Latin America 
    • 2019 - 2021: Research Analyst and Fellow at the World Bank Social Protection and Jobs Unit for Latin America and Caribbean
    • 2019: Blue Book Trainee at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
    • 2019: Intern at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Mexico
    • Education: Economics at the Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal, and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (M.Sc.); Business Administration at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Higher School of Economics, Russia (B.Sc.)

    Current Research

    • Social Protection Systems and Labour Markets

    Countries and Regions

    • Latin America

    • Mexico

    • Brazil


    • Social Protection Systems and (In)formal Labor Markets in Developing Countries

    Katharina Fietz

    Doctoral Researcher

    [email protected]

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper | 2024

    Does Local Employment Growth Accelerate Exits from Social Assistance?: Evidence From Brazil’s Conditional Cash Transfer Bolsa Familia

    In this World Bank Policy Research Paper, Katharina Fietz and her co-authors examine the effects of local labour market performance on social assistance in Brazil. The results indicate that an increase in local employment leads to a small, statistically significant rise in the probability of exiting from Bolsa Familia, associated with rising formal employment among social assistance recipients.

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper | 2024

    Racial Peer Effects at Work: Evidence from Worker Deaths in Brazil

    In this Research Paper, Katharina Fietz and her co-author study the impact of working with same-race coworkers on individuals' retention at firms. They exploit the unexpected deaths of workers from different racial groups as exogenous shocks to peer group composition, showing that a decrease in the non-white (NW) share of coworkers reduces the retention of NW workers but not that of white workers.

    GIGA Working Papers | 06/2023

    Digitalisation and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

    The impact of digitalisation on labour markets is felt worldwide. In the Global South, internet access expands, digital platforms proliferate, but access to and use of digital technologies remains far from universal. We review evidence on the labour markets effects of some of these digital trends.

    GIGA Focus Global | 2/2023

    Digital Skills in the Global South: Gaps, Needs, and Progress

    The arrival of AI-powered chatbots has made many people think once again about the skills needed for the "digital future of work." Poorer countries in particular exhibit large “digital skills gaps.” This GIGA Focus looks at digital skills in the Global South.

    Infographic | 2023

    Digitalisation and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

    Digitalisation has a major impact on labour markets in developing countries. While Internet access expands, digital platforms proliferate and “gig-work” is performed in the Global South, access to and use of digital technologies remains far from universal.

    Interview | 07/10/2024

    Faculti Interview - Racial Peer Effects at Work

    In this video interview, Katharina Fietz discusses the key findings of her and Aiko Schmeißer’s coauthored paper, Racial Peer Effects at Work: Evidence from Worker Deaths in Brazil.

    WDR5 | Interview | 31/10/2022

    Brasilien: "Lula muss es schaffen, Brücken zu bauen"

    Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva hat die Präsidentenwahl in Brasilien gewonnen. Für Lula werde es nun nicht leicht, das gespaltene Land zu einen, sagt Südamerika-Expertin Katharina Fietz: "Er wird noch von vielen mit Korruption in Verbindung gebracht."

    Deutschlandfunk NOVA | Interview | 31/10/2022

    Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien: "Das Wahlergebnis zeigt, wie tief gespalten Brasilien ist"

    Es ist das knappste Wahlergebnis seit dem Ende der Militärdiktatur in Brasilien. Der Sozialist und Ex-Präsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva setzt sich gegen Amtsinhaber Jair Bolsonaro durch. GIGA-Forscherin Katharina Fietz kommentiert.

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2023

    Controversies in Development Economics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2022

    Controversies in Development Economics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2022

    Controversies in Development Econonomics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany


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