Kurz notiert | 28.03.2022

GIGA President Amrita Narlikar Provides Keynote at Federal Academy for Security Policy

For a comprehensive understanding of security, its dimensions and developments: GIGA President Amrita Narlikar kicks off debate on global trends at the Federal Academy for Security Policy.

  • Upon the invitation of the Federal Academic of Security Policy, GIGA President Amrita Narlikar kicks off the debate on global trends in their core seminar on Security Policy. She provides her expertise through an analysis of „The Global Economic Order and its implications for European security” and in an extensive round of debate with participants from across federal ministries as well as business and security sectors. The Academy (Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik) pursues a comprehensive, interconnected approach to security and strategy. The course is the most multifaceted advanced training on security policy provided in Germany on behalf of the Federal Government. It hones participants’ knowledge about global issues and promotes a cross-governmental understanding of security at the strategic level. The course prepares younger senior officials for national and international assignments as key decision-makers.


    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Ehemals Präsidentin

    Policypaper | 03.2022

    Rebooting Germany’s Foreign Policy towards China

    In diesem Beitrag diskutiert Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar die Außenpolitik Deutschlands und seiner europäischen Partner gegenüber China. Dieser Artikel wurde im Global Policy Blog (4.4.2022) neu veröffentlicht und ins Hindi übersetzt (30.03.2022).

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Ehemals Präsidentin

    Policypaper | 02.2022

    Walking the Walk of values-based Diplomacy

    As the Russia-Ukraine conflict unfolds, Germany has finally undertaken epochal decisions to uphold the values of the international order by supporting Ukraine.

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Ehemals Präsidentin

    Dr. Samir Saran

    Observer Research Foundation

    Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management | Routledge | 02.2022

    International Negotiation and Political Narratives: A Comparative Study

    Prof. Amrita Narlikar und Prof. Fen Hampson sind die Herausgeber dieses Buches, welches in 16 Kapiteln aufzeigt, dass politische Narrative die Aussichten auf internationale Zusammenarbeit fördern oder vereiteln können und wichtige Faktoren in internationalen Verhandlungsprozessen im 21 Jahrhundert sind.

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Ehemals Präsidentin


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