In Brief | 22/05/2023

German Diversity Day – Team GIGA Celebrates Diversity in Society and the World of Work

On 23 May 2023, we will celebrate together the 11th German Diversity Day. As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, we strive for an appreciative and prejudice-free working environment in which all team members can develop their potential to the best of their abilities.

  • To promote exchange and provide regular information on diversity-related events, we offer a variety of activities as well as today call on all interested employees to sign up for a GIGA-wide diversity-themed mailing list. In addition, the GIGA’s Equal Opportunities Officers, Dr. Lisa Hoffmann and Dr. Maren Wagner, are organising, among other things, a postcolonial city tour of Hamburg, which will provide information about the Hanseatic city’s role in colonial history. We also invite our employees to participate in a perception check on racism in Germany to create greater awareness of this issue.


    Nadine Wiegmann


    Blog Article | 12/2022

    How not to do Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion in Academia: Ten Commandments

    GIGA President Prof. Amrita Narlikar and Dr. Cecilia Sottilotta outline ten pitfalls to avoid when working on Equal opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in social science and beyond.

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Former President

    Cecilia Emma Sottilotta

    Former Visiting Fellow


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