In Brief | 26/09/2022
27 and 28 September are Diversity Days at the GIGA. We are committed to an appreciative working environment and open cooperation in our diverse society. Learn more about this topic and the activities at the GIGA.
Diversity Days at the GIGA! As an independent, internationally oriented research institute we consider diversity as an important part of our self-conception. We are constantly working on making our structures and processes more inclusive.
On 27 and 28 September, the GIGA team will be devoting itself intensively to this topic in discussions and internal trainings. At the opening event, GIGA President and Dr. Cecilia Sottilotta, Assistant Professor at the American University of Rome, will discuss their thoughts on diversity in academia and beyond. They share their experience on dos and don’ts in the pursuit of equal opportunity. We are committed to an appreciative working environment and open cooperation. As a signatory to the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt), we fly the diversity flag, making a respectful and welcoming work environment within our diverse society a priority.