GIGA Working Papers

GIGA Working Papers

In the GIGA Working Papers, mainly appearing in English, the Institute’s scholars publishes their findings from ongoing research. The Working Papers first go through an internal review process, with many later appearing as articles in journals. These leading-edge academic contributions are aimed at both scholars and the wider public.

  • GIGA Working Papers | 11/2023

    Coping with Complexity: Dealing with Non-State Armed Actors

    Non-state armed actors come in a variety of shapes including warlord-led groups. In war or lower-level armed conflict, and violence-prone contexts, these groups pose severe problems to peacebuilding, democratic governance, and sustainable development. This trend analysis maps cross-regional developments.

    Yannick Deepen

    Former GIGA Team member

    GIGA Working Papers | 06/2023

    Digitalisation and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

    The impact of digitalisation on labour markets is felt worldwide. In the Global South, internet access expands, digital platforms proliferate, but access to and use of digital technologies remains far from universal. We review evidence on the labour markets effects of some of these digital trends.

    GIGA Working Papers | 04/2023

    Africa’s Emergent Tech Sector: Its Characteristics and Impact on Development and Labour Markets

    This study investigates the characteristics of Africa’s tech sector and its impact on economic development, specifically on labour markets. Using a novel database, we show how African startups are increasingly driving development through locally adapted “home-grown” digital technologies.

    GIGA Working Papers | 07/2022

    Global South Perspectives on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons: A Comparative Approach

    Using a Comparative Area Studies approach to Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and South Asia, we discuss how regional issues shape global non-proliferation and disarmament politics. Focus is on the nuclear-weapon-ban norm, recently codified in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

    Dr. Leonardo Bandarra

    Prof. Dr. Jo-Ansie van Wyk

    Prof. Dr. Layla Dawood

    Prof. Dr. Monica Herz

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nir Hassid

    Prof. Dr. Harsh V. Pant

    Dr. Shounak Set

    Open Access

    Open Access

    The concept of “Open Access” has empowered the GIGA to virtually eliminate the financial, technical, and legal barriers normally faced by many of those seeking to access the Institute’s research findings. This publication strategy ensures that people all around the world have the opportunity to keep up with the latest advances in scholarship.

    Open Access at the GIGA


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