GIGA Journal Family | 06/07/2023

GIGA Journals Continue to be Successful 

The GIGA journals, our open access publications at SAGE, were able to further increase their reach in 2022. This is shown by recently published impact factors and rankings among renowned Area Studies journals.

  • The recently published impact factors (referring to 2022) attest to the resounding success of the journals in the GIGA Journal Family, especially of the three journals that are indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI):

    GIGA President together with the entire GIGA Executive Board thanks the GIGA editors and their external co-editors for this very successful development of the GIGA Journal Family.

    The GIGA is proud of its four journals and we are pleased with the successful cooperation with SAGE. We guarantee Open Access in the "Platinum Standard" (free of charge for readers and authors) and will continue to do so in the future.

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