Free access to information and knowledge is not a given. Especially in the GIGA research regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East there are often financial, technical, and/or legal hurdles to this. The GIGA has therefore been publishing all its in-house publications, such as the GIGA journals (GIGA Journal Family), the GIGA Focus series, and the GIGA Working Papers as Open Access ones for 10 years now, making research results available online and free of charge worldwide.
The conversion of the GIGA Journal Family to Open Access took place in 2009 as part of a DFG-funded pilot project. All four GIGA journals have recently begun to be published by SAGE Publishing, one of the world‘s leading independent academic publishers. GIGA President Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar had the following to say: “Our cooperation with SAGE is a decisive step towards taking our journals to the next level and making them even more visible, while at the same time maintaining our commitment to upholding the platinum standard of full Open Access.”
The GIGA and the general public benefit equally here: it has been proven that Open Access publications have a high degree of visibility and dissemination. The GIGA journals are among the leading ones anywhere in the world for regional studies. Africa Spectrum is listed in the Social Science Citation Index for example. GIGA scientists receive support for their Open Access publications in high-ranking international journals and publishing houses from an Open Access Fund, and from the staff of the Open Access Service of the GIGA Information Centre. The GIGA’s Open Access Guidelines anchor the underlying principles hereof in the goals of the institute.
For further information on Open Access at the GIGA, please consult:
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