Research | 21/07/2022
For his thesis entitled “O papel esquecido do Poder Legislativo na trajetória das políticas de transferência de renda no Brasil,” Dr. Pedro Costa won special recognition from the Latin American Political Sciences Association (ALACIP) at the Guillermo O’Donnell Award ceremony. Costa’s dissertation - a research endeavour supported by the GIGA - received Special Mention for 2nd place.
Dr. Pedro Costa defended his dissertation “O papel esquecido do Poder Legislativo na trajetória das políticas de transferência de renda no Brasil” (“The overlooked role of the Brazilian Congress in shaping the Bolsa Família Program: a new approach to the policy-making of conditional cash transfers”) in February 2022. The work, which also entails an original database, is available for download here. The project resulted from a collaboration between the GIGA and the University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), and was funded by the Bi-national Supervised Doctoral Degrees Program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The research was co-supervised by GIGA expert Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos and Prof. Dr. Argelina Figueiredo from the UERJ. Now Costa’s doctoral project received Special Mention for 2nd place of Guillermo O’Donnell Award. GIGA President and team warmly congratulate Dr. Pedro Costa on this achievement! The Guillermo O’Donnell Prize was awarded to the best dissertation on Latin American politics defended at a research institution worldwide between July 2019 and April 2022. The prize was presented by ALACIP Secretary General Prof. Dr Daniel Buquet (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and Prof. Dr Gabriela Ippolito-O'Donnell (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina) at an online ceremony on 22 July 2022 at the 11th Latin American Congress of Political Science in Santiago de Chile.