What Peace Means – and How It Drives Migration




18:00 Uhr (MEZ)


19:30 Uhr (MEZ)

Peace Project

  • Perceptions on what peace is or should be differ across contexts. A minimalist notion is the absence of war, while broader approaches include structural transformations. While violence is a main driver of migration, it is defined on the basis of both objective conditions and individual perceptions.

    This GIGA Talk showcases findings from a transcontinental project in societies affected by different forms of violence – Colombia, Venezuela, Cameroon, the Philippines, and Tunisia – asking how individuals’ perceptions of “peace” influence their migration aspirations. The “PEACEptions” project is a joint endeavour between the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM Institute). Join us for an engaging discussion on this cutting-edge study and its implications for understanding current situations such as the potential return of refugees to Syria.

    Speakers: Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is the President of the GIGA (ad interim). Dr. Pau Palop-García is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the DeZIM Institute.

    Discussant: So Young Chang is a former IOM Project Officer. Moderator: Dr. Christiane Fröhlich is a Senior Research Fellow at the GIGA.


    GIGA Berlin Büro, Friedrichstraße 206, 10969 Berlin, and online



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