Report Launch: Global Perspectives on Responsible Economic Statecraft




13:00 Uhr (MEZ)


14:15 Uhr (MEZ)

RES panel photo

  • In May 2024, we convened over 30 global experts to discuss Global Perspectives on Responsible Economic Statecraft. Now, we are launching our report, which draws on insights from this knowledge exchange lab and offers a framework for the responsible use of tools at the intersection of economic, foreign, and security policy. How can we maintain the benefits of interdependence while safeguarding against its risks? What does a proactive and collaborative approach to statecraft involve? And how can we mitigate adverse effects? Join us online or at our Berlin office to explore these questions and share your perspectives.

    Download - Global Perspectives on Responsible Economic Statecraft

    Opening Remark: Prof. Dr. Bert Hoffmann is Head of the GIGA Berlin Office and Co-Leader of the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies (ad interim).

    Speakers: Nora Kürzdörfer is Researcher in the Knowledge Exchange Project “Transfer 4 Transformation” at the GIGA.

    Eduardo Valencia is Outreach Administrator in the Knowledge Exchange Project “Transfer 4 Transformation” at the GIGA.

    Discussants: Prof. Dr. Helen E. Nesadurai is Professor of International Political Economy at Monash University in Malaysia.

    Laura Oexle is the Deputy Head of Unit for Geoeconomics and International Economic Policy at the German Federal Foreign Office.

    Moderator: Dr. Elisabeth Winter is the Programme Director of Global Markets & Social Justice at the Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung (BKHS) and Teaching Fellow at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin.


    GIGA Berlin Büro, Friedrichstraße 206, 10969 Berlin, and online



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