Nadine Ansorg / Toni Haastrup

Gender and the EU's Support for Security Sector Reform in Fragile Contexts

Journal of Common Market Studies | 2018

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte


    Journal of Common Market Studies







    Dr. Toni Haastrup

    Dr. Toni Haastrup

    Ehemals Associate

    Documentos de Trabajo | 04.2022

    Reforma al Sector Seguridad Después de la Guerra: lo que se Sabe y lo que se Desconoce de los Casos Alrededor del Mundo

    Reforms of security sector institutions (SSR) are often crucial elements of international support for peacebuilding and democratisation. Although there is no general definition of SSR, it includes demobilisation processes of ex-combatants, mandate and personnel reforms in the police, armed forces and judicial sector. A comprehensive vision of security governance reforms is important as long as these reforms go beyond ending a civil war and are directed towards reducing various manifestations of violence and towards citizen security.


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