Merike Blofield / Juliana Martínez Franzoni / Johanna Pieper

Public Opinion on Cash Transfers for Children and Adolescents in Peru: Nine out of Ten People Support Greater Adequacy

Policypaper | 2024

  • Abstract

    Child poverty is a multidimensional challenge and decades of evidence show that access to cash transfers programs can provide simple and effective protection against poverty, especially extreme poverty. A representative telephone survey conducted in Peru during May and June 2022 indicates broad public support (90%) for a cash transfer program for children and adolescents. In addition, 97% support setting the value of the transfers at least the basic food basket, a value eight times higher than the current transfers in the country. Finally, opinion is divided on the eligibility criteria: almost 60% of those surveyed support restricting the program to those in extreme poverty, while 40% are in favor of broader eligibility criteria, including at least all children and adolescents in poverty.








    San José, Costa Rica

    Dr. Juliana Martínez Franzoni

    Dr. Juliana Martínez Franzoni

    Universidad de Costa Rica


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