Kurz notiert | 18.08.2021

News aus dem GIGA Doktorandenprogramm

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Aktivitäten unserer Doktorand:innen im vergangenen Monat.

  • Some of our doctoral researchers particiapted in the IPSA Conference (10 - 15 July 2021). Désirée Reder presented a paper titled “Legitimation of State Violence in Democracies”. Tom Konzack presented a paper titled “What You Give Is What You Get: The Contrasting Effects of Different Types of Resources on Non-State Actors’ Likelihood to Escalate Their Tactics”. 

    Viviana García Pinzón attended the ECPR Virtual Summer School (2 - 20 August 2021) where she took a course on QCA. 

    Désirée Reder participated in several events: She gave a talk on “The role of international actors in supporting Nicaraguan civil society and social movements” at a roundtable of the Red Nicaragua of the Max-Planck Institute for International Law and presented a chapter co authored with Sabine Kurtenbach at the ERGOMAS Conference in Tartu. She also presented a paper at the Latin American Transitions Conference of the Center of Latin American Studies (Leipzig University) and, as part of the Leibniz working group on ethics and safety in field research, co-organized two workshop events in June and July. Furthermore, she gave interviews on the situation in Nicaragua which you can read here: 

    Nikas Krösche and Swantje Schirmer co-authored a GIGA Focus with Tobias Lenz on “Claimed Legitimacy: Appreciating the Diversity of Regional Organisations”. The article is available in English and German

    Clara Franco published a GIGA Focus titled  “Abortion Rights in Latin America: An Unsettled Battle”. The article is availble in English and German

    Hana Attia and Mona Saleh published a GIGA Focus titled “The Political Deadlock on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam”. The article is available in English and German

    Isabel Rosales handed in her dissertation titled "States Beyond Borders: A Comparative Study of Central American Sending States and their Emigrant Policy" at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!


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