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Neues Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 3/2022

Unter der Überschrift „The Chinese Communist Party at 100” befasst sich dieses Special Issue des Journal of Current Chinese Affairs mit einer Vielzahl von Themen, wie dem Konzept der politischen Loyalität in China, (dem Mangel an) Demokratie in dem Land und der von Xi Jinping noch stärker betonten Ideologie des „Chinesischen Traums".

  • Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Vol. 51, No. 3 (2022)

    Special Issue: The Chinese Communist Party at 100

    Guest Editors: Jérôme Doyon, Chloé Froissart


    • Jérôme Doyon, Chloé Froissart: A Long-Term Perspective on the Chinese Communist Party Abstract | PDF

    Research Articles

    • Jean-Pierre Cabestan: Organisation and (Lack of) Democracy in the Chinese Communist Party: A Critical Reading of the Successive Iterations of the Party Constitution Abstract | PDF

    • Jérôme Doyon, Long Yang: Shades of Red: Changing Understandings of Political Loyalty in the Chinese Communist Party, 1921–2021 Abstract | PDF

    • Patricia M. Thornton: From Frame of Steel to Iron Cage: The Chinese Communist Party and China's Voluntary Sector Abstract | PDF

    • Kerry Brown: Knowing and Feeling the “China Dream”: Logic and Rhetoric in the Political Language of Xi’s China Abstract | PDF

    • Frank N. Pieke: The Chinese Communist Party as a Global Force Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

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