Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Vol. 47, No. 2 (2018)
Isabelle Cheng, Táňa Dluhošová: No Distant Memory: Rethinking the State, Its Citizens, and Authoritarianism in Everyday Life Abstract | PDF
Research Articles
Táňa Dluhošová: Censorship and Publication Control in Early Post-War Taiwan: Procedures and Practices Abstract | PDF
Isabelle Cheng: Saving the Nation by Sacrificing Your Life: Authoritarianism and Chiang Kai-shek's War for the Retaking of China Abstract | PDF
Lutgard Lams, Dr. Wei-lun Lu: Puppets, Compatriots, and Souls in Heaven: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chiang Kai-shek's Early Wartime Rhetoric Abstract | PDF
Pin-Tsang Tseng: The Wartime Regime and the Development of Public Diet in Taiwan (1947–1950s) Abstract | PDF
Elisa Tamburo: Authoritarianism in the Living Room: Everyday Disciplines, Senses, and Morality in Taiwan's Military Villages Abstract | PDF
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