Kurz notiert | 19.03.2019

GIGA President at Global Solutions Summit in Berlin

GIGA President Professor Amrita Narlikar discussed the future of multilateralism at this year’s Global Solutions Summit.

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GIGA President Professor Amrita Narlikar was invited again this year to share her insights at the Global Solutions Summit in Berlin. On a panel with G20 sherpas from Germany, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia as well as Jean Pisani-Ferry from the Hertie School of Governance, she discussed „The Future of Multilateralism.” Multilateralism is one of Amrita Narlikar’s main fields of expertise, next to international trade and rising powers. “We have to take concerns expressed via populism seriously and have a real debate. We also need better narratives for multilateralism and more effective welfare mechanisms”, she said at the summit. The panel was moderated by Homi Kharas of the Brookings Institution and may be watched online via the Global Solutions Youtube channel

The Global Solutions Summit brought together renowned movers and shakers from all over the world. Key notes were delivered by Chancellor Merkel, German Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz, First Vice President to the EU Commission Frans Timmermans, and others.

The Global Solutions Initiative that holds the summit unites leading think tanks and stakeholders to provide policy solutions to the most relevant global institutions, including G20, G7, OECD, UN, World Bank, and WTO. It was established during the German G20 Presidency in 2017 and is firmly connected with official G7 and G20 engagement and working groups.

GIGA experts are continuously active within advisory bodies to the G7 and G20, especially within the Think7 and Think20 outreach.


Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

Ehemals Präsidentin


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