Auszeichnung | 13.04.2015
Als eine der europaweit führenden Forschungseinrichtungen für vergleichende Regionalstudien schreibt das GIGA wieder einen Award für den besten Zeitschriftenartikel in dem noch jungen Feld der Wissenschaft aus.
On the occasion of the Institutions for Sustainable Peace (ISP) Conference, held in Hamburg on 9 and 10 April 2015, GIGA president Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar has launched the second call for applications for the Comparative Area Studies (CAS) Award. An international jury consisting of Scott Gates (Peace Research Institute Oslo), Rudra Sil (University of Pennsylvania) and Andreas Mehler (GIGA) will consider the submissions. The author/s of the winning article will be awarded €2,500 in prize money.
"GIGA is internationally recognized to be the place where comparative area studies have found their home," said Amrita Narlikar at the ISP conference. "But despite having a well-established home, CAS needs to be further developed internationally. Not all scholars who engage in both comparative and context-sensitive analyses get the recognition they deserve. Instead they struggle first to acquire the prerequisites to engage meaningfully in this field and then face real difficulties in getting published. This award is meant to honor the best CAS articles, and also the journals that publish this pioneering research."
The first CAS award was presented in 2014 to Oxford-based researchers Paul Chaisty, Nic Cheeseman and Timothy Power for their article on presidential powers in three world regions, which appeared in the journal Democratization. The GIGA welcomes the submission of excellent articles published in scholarly CAS journals. The deadline is 15 September 2015.