Hager Ali

Doctoral Researcher

Hager Ali

  • Short CV

    • Since 03/2022: External Editor for thematic series "Autocracies with Adjectives" at the Loop, ECPR's Political Science Blog

    • Since 10/2018: Research Fellow / Doctoral Student at GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies and at GIGA Doctoral Programme

    • Since 09/2010: Freelance Journalist

    • 09/2016 - 01/2018: Student Assistant at the Student Recruitment Office of the Central European University Budapest

    • 12/2014 - 02/2016: Research Assistant at the Faculty of Social Science, Goethe University Frankfurt. Chair of Sociology specializing in Quantitative Analyses of Social Change

    • 08/2015 - 10/2015: Internship at the Leibniz-Institute Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF – HSFK), Frankfurt am Main

    • Education: M.A. in Political Science, Central European University Budapest; B.A. in Political Science and Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

    Current Research

    • Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East and North Africa

    • Military Coups and Civilian Control of Armies

    • Authoritarian Regimes, Authoritarian Institutions

    • Regime Stability and Destabilization

    • Party Systems and Cleavages in the Middle East and North Africa

    • German Military Deployments in the MENA-Region and Sahel

    Countries and Regions

    • Middle East

    • North Africa

    • Sudan

    • Sahel


    • Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2022
    • American Political Science Association, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2021
    • European Research Group on Military and Society, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2021
    • German Political Science Association, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2020
    • New German Media Professionals, Other functions, since 2020
    • International Studies Association, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2020
    • European Consortium for Political Research, Member of ECPR Standing Groups: Political Methodology, Political Violence, Comparative Political Institutions, Critical Peace and Conflict Studies, since 2020
    • German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2019
    • International Association for Political Science Students, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2018


    • Praetorianism in the MENA-Region. Military Governance and Civilian Control across Regime Types


    • Shortlisted for the Best Blog Award of 2022 by ECPR's Political Science Blog "The Loop", European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), 2023

    Elgar Encyclopedias in Sociology Series | 12/2023


    In this book chapter, Matthijs Bogaards (Central European University) and Hager Ali (GIGA) review the literature on factionalism and factions in political parties as well as other organizations.

    SWP Comment | 05/2023

    Stopping the War in Sudan: Civilian Actors, not Just the Parties to the Conflict, Should Lead the Peace Negotiations

    In this policy paper, GIGA researcher Hager Ali and SWP researcher Gerrit Kurtz, argue that civilian actors formed a broad anti-war coalition that should set the tone for peace talks from the very beginning.

    SWP Aktuell | 05/2023

    Den Krieg in Sudan stoppen. Zivile Akteure, nicht allein die Konfliktparteien, sollten die Friedensverhandlungen führen

    In Sudan kämpfen die wichtigsten Sicherheitskräfte des Landes gegeneinander. Eine
    schnelle militärische Entscheidung ist angesichts des relativ ausgeglichenen Kräfteverhältnisses zwischen den Sudanesischen Streitkräften (SAF) und den Rapid Support Forces (RSF) nicht zu erwarten. Durch dieses strategische Patt sind die Chancen auf eine erfolgreiche Vermittlung nicht ausweglos.

    MSN News | Mention | 15/04/2024

    Ein neuer Anlauf, die Krise in Sudan zu beenden

    Die Berichte und Voraussagen sind katastrophal. Zehn- oder sogar Hunderttausende Menschen in Sudan könnten in den nächsten Monaten an Unterernährung sterben, warnt das Nothilfebüro der Vereinten Nationen. Interview mit GIGA-Forscherin Hager Ali zur Lage im Sudan

    Deutsche Welle | Mention | 15/04/2024

    Sudan's war: A year on, no hope for a cease-fire

    After a year of war, Sudan is dealing with one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. As more local and international actors get involved, the outlook remains grim.

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Quote | 15/04/2024

    Sudan-Konferenz in Paris: Ein neuer Anlauf, die Krise zu beenden

    Der Krieg zwischen zwei Fraktionen des Militärs hat Sudan ins Chaos gestürzt. Viele Hilfsorganisationen haben ihre Arbeit eingestellt. In Paris gibt es jetzt einen neuen Versuch, die Gewalt zu beenden. Interview mit GIGA-Forscherin Hager Ali

    Teaching | Central European University | 2024

    Research Methods and Design

    Guest Lecture by GIGA Researcher Hager Ali on 'Designing Social Inquiry' by King, Keohane, and Verba

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2023

    Hybrid Regimes and Autocracies since the 1990s

    This course covers the emergence, function, and demise of hybrid and authoritarian regimes. The first half covers the emergence and breakdown of autocracies and specific autocratic institutions. The second half deals with current developments in hybrid and autocratic regimes.

    Teaching | Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy | 2023

    Public Scholarship and Communicating Research

    Disseminating academic research to political stakeholders and the general public is an increasingly important skill to have. At the same time, few centralized guidelines or teaching modules exist on how to plan and execute effective research communication for specifically academic writers.


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