Miriam Prys-Hansen

Multiple Inequalities in Climate Change Research: More qualitative analyses in inequality research

One Earth | 2021

  • 9DashLine | 11/2022

    COP27: India Could be the Key to Deadlocked Debates on Loss and Damage due to Climate Change

    Progress on the issue of loss and damage could benefit from clear engagement by the ‘in-between powers’ in the Global South, such as India, who may be in a position to exert a decisive influence on the outcomes of the COP27 talks.

    Jan Phillip Ronde

    German Trade Union Confederation

    GIGA Forum | 27/10/2021

    Final Chance for the 1.5 Degrees? Expectations for the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow

    Final Chance for the 1.5 Degrees? Expectations for the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, Online event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Jan Klenke (Organiser, Panelist), Prof. Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Heike Schroeder (Panelist), Eva Marsland (Panelist), Dr. Dietmar Molthagen (Moderator), Dr. David Kuehn (Organiser)

    This GIGA Forum/GIGA Talk addresses the complicated negotiations to be expected during COP26: Who will act on which policy fields? What role does trust play in overcoming remaining differences? What role can civil society play to facilitate negotiations and make COP26 successful?

    Jan Klenke

    Prof. Dr. Heike Schroeder

    Eva Marsland

    Dr. Dietmar Molthagen


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