In Brief | 24/10/2022

News of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.

    • We are delighted to welcome four new colleagues who joined the DP at the beginning of October: Houssein Al Malla, Cornelius Haritz, Alina Ripplinger, and Hamid Talebian. Further information can be found here.

    • So Young Chang successfully defended her dissertation titled “Invisible Hands: The Policies and Non-Policies That Make Migrant Domestic Work Precarious” at University Bielefeld. Congratulations! In September, she also gave a short pitch about her dissertation at the PhD Forum of the International Metropolis Conference Berlin 2022, where she was also part of the panel "Social cohesion in an age of diversity: challenges and outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region“.

    • Rafael Castro handed in his dissertation titled “Crisis and Regional (Dis)Integration: A Poststructuralist Approach” at the University of Kiel. Congratulations!

    • Anna Fünfgeld handed in her dissertation titled “No Power to Change? Energy Hegemony and Trasformismo in Indonesia” at the University of Freiburg. Congratulations! She also participated in an expert roundtable on Germany’s climate cooperation initiatives on the road to Sharm-El-Sheikh and beyond on 6th September 2022 at SWP in Berlin.

    • Richard Roewer submitted his dissertation titled “Undemocratic Democrats: A Case Study of the National League for Democracy” to the University of Oxford. Congratulations!

    • On 30th August Johanna Pieper moderated the event "Feminist Agendas in the Electoral Campaigns and Politics of Brazil, Colombia, and Germany" of the UNIDAS-Women’s Network. The panelists were Caroline Ausserer (Deutscher Frauenrat), Andrea Dip (Agência Publica) and Juliana Hernández de la Torre (Artemisas). 

    • Ardahan Özkan Gedikli presented his work in progress titled "Turkish Public Diplomacy in Africa: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Erdogan’s Narratives" in the EISA PEC conference in Athens taking place between 1-4th September. The panel was titled "Non-western narratives of international relations: friendship, conflict and cooperation" and two GIGA post-docs (Mohammadbagher Forough and Alex Waterman) also presented their works in the same panel. He also presented his PhD work in progress titled "The Political Economy of AKP's Foreign Aid: A Regional Assessment of Middle East and North Africa (MENA)" in the DAVO DOT conference in Berlin (12-17 September).

    • Julia Köbrich participated in the APSA annual meeting (15-19 September) in Montréal and present a paper that she wrote with Matthias Basedau and Lisa Hoffmann titled “Interreligious Peace despite Unfavorable Conditions: A Comparative Study”. From October to December, Julia and Lisa are in Togo and Sierra Leone for quantitative field research in Lomé and Freetown.

    • Juliana Tappe Ortiz is on a two-month long visiting doctoral fellowship at Colombia University, starting in mid-October.

    • Tevin Tafese published a GIGA Focus Africa titled “Digital Africa: How Big Tech and African Startups Are Reshaping the Continent”, which you can read here.

    • Katharina Fietz gave an interview in Deutschlandfunk Nova on the election in Brazil. You can listen to the interview (in German) here

    • Our DP alumna Svenja Schöneich has published her dissertation “Living on a Time Bomb. Local Negotiations of Oil Extraction in a Mexican Community” as a book with Berghahn. Congratulations!

    • DP alumna Isabel Rosales also published her thesis as a book with Columbia University Press. It is titled “States Beyond Borders. A Comparative Study of Central American Sending States and their Emigrant Policy.” Further information can be found here.


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