Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

Research Fellow

Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

  • Short CV

    • Since 02/2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 01/2022-01/2023: Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 01/2021-12/2021: Visiting Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 03/2019-03/2020: Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 09/2018-02/2019: Visiting Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 2017-2018: Visiting Faculty, Department of Political Science, Presidency University, India
    • 2014-2016: Visiting Faculty, Department of Political Science, Diamond Harbour Women's University, India
    • 2014-2015: Visiting Faculty, Department of Mass Communications and Journalism, NSHM Knowledge Campus, India
    • 2009-2010: Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Fellow, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Ohio State University, USA
    • Education: Ph.D in International Relations (Jadavpur University, India); M.A. in International Relations (Jadavpur University, India), and B.A. in Political Science (Hon.) (St. Xavier's College, University of Calcutta, India)

    Current Research

    • Digital Politics
    • Digital Authoritarianism
    • Disinformation and Counter-Disinformation
    • Online Radicalisation
    • Internet Governance

    Countries and Regions

    • South and Southeast Asia
    • India

    Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

    Research Fellow

    T. +49 40 428874-40sangeeta.mahapatra@giga-hamburg.de

    GIGA Focus Asia | 3/2024

    India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications

    The outcome of India’s 2024 national elections will define its future course as a democracy. Examined are the key factors and trends likely to influence India’s politics and policies in the coming years.

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2024

    Repression by Legal Means: Governments’ Anti-Fake News Lawfare

    Anti-fake news lawfare is deepening government control over civil society, undermining information integrity and civil society’s democratic rights. Patterns to this legal repression and related pushback strategies in South and Southeast Asia are examined, as the forerunners of global developments.

    Research Project | 01/02/2024 - 31/12/2025

    Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL), Phase II: Digitalisation as Chance for Cooperation with Global Partners

    GIGA‘s Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, analyses the political drivers and real-world consequences of the digital transformation taking place around the world. The Global South in particular is an important actor in and shaper of this transformation.
    FFO, 2024-2025

    Research Project | 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2025

    Mapping and Strengthening Civil Society Response to Disinformation

    Governments in autocratic and autocratizing contexts may use anti-fake news laws to discredit critical civil society actors as agents of “disinformation” and punish them. Through comparative and cross-learning insights derived from field studies, we seek to map civil society responses against the autocratic use of disinformation laws and strengthen policies for right to information and freedom of speech and expression.
    NED, 2023-2025

    Research Project | 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2024

    Strengthening Civil Society Against the Weaponization of Anti-Fake News Laws: A Comparison of Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand

    In an age of proliferating disinformation, governments in South and Southeast Asia have come out with anti-fake news laws. However, the “weaponization" of such laws can lead governments to control online platforms and censor critics. Our project examines the patterns and processes of the weaponization of such laws against civic actors and countermeasures by the latter. We aim for academic and policy outcomes to improve disinformation regulation while safeguarding digital rights.
    Luminate, 2023-2024

    Research Project | 01/01/2021 - 30/04/2022

    Digital Surveillance and Understanding Its Chilling Effect on Journalists: Finding Strategies and Solutions to Safely Seek and Share Information Online

    As democracies are getting increasingly digitalized, digital surveillance can impact the freedom of the press and of speech and expression. Surveillance may also shape the creation and flow of information and the formation of public opinion. This project examines how surveillance affects a major information agent: journalists.
    Mozilla Foundation, 2021-2022

    DW News | Interview | 22/12/2022

    DW News, School Surveillance in India Prompts Data Protection Concerns, 22/12/2022

    The interview addresses the need for institutionalisation and standardisation of best parctices of privacy safeguards as digital surveillance through the use of CCTV cameras in schools in New Delhi, India, get routinised.

    The Morning Context | Quote | 04/09/2021

    How India surveils its citizens

    BBC World Service | Expert Comment / Guest Contribution | 13/08/2021

    Silencing Dissidents: Are Changing Technologies and Politics Making it Harder to Be a Dissident?

    Workshop | 03/07/2024 - 05/07/2024

    Paper Presentation at EWIS 2024, WS42 on India's New Developmentalism and Its Discontents

    EWIS 2024: 11th European Workshops in International Studies, Istanbul Organisers: European International Studies Association Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra (Speaker)

    Paper Presentation at EWIS 2024, WS42: India's New Developmentalism and Its Discontents. Paper is on "Datafied Citizenship: How Data Authoritarianism Impacts the Concept of Citizenship in India".

    Workshop | 03/06/2024

    Capacity-Building Workshop on Anti-Fake News Lawfare, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3 June 2024

    The interactive sessions of this workshop focused on knowledge sharing, discussions on cross-regional trends and collaboration, and strategies for countering anti-fake news lawfare.


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