Hager Ali

Control over Militaries is the Forgotten Landmark of Democracy after Imperialism

The Loop - ECPR's Political Science Blog: Autocracies with Adjectives | 2022

  • Entrenching Military Power through Constitutions: Introducing the REPEAL Database
    Video GIGA Forum Coups Africa
    Video GIGA Forum Coups Africa

    GIGA Forum | 06/12/2023

    Done with Democracy? How Military Coups have Changed Africa's Political Landscape

    Done With Democracy? How Military Coups Have Changed Africa’s Political Landscape, GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, and online Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Hager Ali (Speaker)

    Since 2021, a wave of military coups d’état have upended Africa’s political landscape. The Sahel countries have come under the control of military juntas aligned with Russia. In this GIGA Forum, our experts discuss the implications for democracy in Africa and for Europe’s foreign policy towards the region.

    Conference | 04/09/2023 - 08/09/2023

    Autocracies with Adjectives: The Need for Better Classifications of Autocratic Regimes

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisers: European Consortium for Political Research Hager Ali (Speaker)

    Hager Ali presents her paper "Autocracies with Adjectives: The Need for Better Classifications of Autocratic Regimes" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "Classifying Contemporary Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes: Old Questions, New Data, and Salvaged Concepts", co-chaired by her.


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