

In order to achieve the widest possible dissemination of the GIGA’s extensive scholarship, our researchers publish their work not only in academic but also in policy-advice journals. In addition, they contribute to thematic anthologies and write articles for academic blogs.

  • Blog Article | 06/2024

    Klimawandel, Migration und Konflikt (Update): Der Klimawandel bringt nicht nur Ökosysteme durcheinander, er bedroht auch die Lebensgrundlage vieler Menschen

    In frühen Einschätzungen der möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Klimawandel und Gewaltkonflikten spielte Migration eine bedeutende Rolle. Es wurde oftmals vermutet, dass eine große Zahl von Menschen ihre Heimat infolge des Klimawandels verlassen müsste.

    Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska

    Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy

    Oxford Handbooks | 05/2024

    Legitimacy and Legitimation Strategies in Authoritarian Regimes

    All authoritarian regimes seek to substantiate their right to rule. In this chapter, we differentiate legitimation—understood as the process of claiming popular support—from legitimacy itself, which refers to the extent to which a regime is perceived as legitimate by its citizens.

    Open Access

    Open Access

    The concept of “Open Access” has empowered the GIGA to virtually eliminate the financial, technical, and legal barriers normally faced by many of those seeking to access the Institute’s research findings. This publication strategy ensures that people all around the world have the opportunity to keep up with the latest advances in scholarship.

    Open Access at the GIGA


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