In Brief | 01/10/2020
We welcome our new doctoral students who joined the Doctoral Programme in October 2020.
We welcome our new doctoral students who joined the Doctoral Programme in October 2020: Andrew Crawford, Lukian De Boni, Dastan Jasim, Indi-Carolina Kryg, Ana Soares, and Caspar Ziegler. It is great to have you on board! The diverse dissertation projects cover an interesting range of research questions, for example, whether securitizing narratives are a cause for societal mobilization in Brazil or how selected developed nations cope with China’s foreign investment strategy. As part of our team, the new doctoral students will benefit from an international research environment and GIGA’s global approach to scholarship. During the virtual Welcome Days, they had a first opportunity to get to know each other, the different units as well as selected members of the GIGA and to receive input on how to get started with their dissertation projects.