In Brief | 17/12/2021

News of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.

  • Isabel Rosales successfully defended her dissertation titled “States Beyond Borders: A Comparative Study of Central American Sending States and their Emigrant Policy” at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!

    Asma Khalifa and Johanna Pieper co-authored a GIGA Focus together with Merike Blofield and Nancy Madera. The Focus is titled “The Shadow Pandemic: Policy Efforts on Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19 in the Global South”. The text is available in English and German.  

    Anna Fünfgeld attended the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.   Moreover, she published a GIGA Focus titled “’Brazil must be back!’ – But Real Climate Action Is Possible Only after Bolsonaro”. The article is available in English and German.

    Hager Ali published an article on the strategic planning behind ISAF and Resolute Support in Afghanistan on ECPR's the Loop and consulted the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the German military's role in Resolute Support in Afghanistan, and the future of European military involvement in Afghanistan after the Taliban-Takeover. She also contributed experts comments on Libya’s decade of instability after Moammar Gadhafi’s death (Deutsche Welle), moderated an event at the University of Hamburg with former Member of European Parliament Barbara Lochbihler and Human Rights Activist Efi Latsoudi on European Border Politics and Refugee camps in Greece, and participated in an author's workshop by the Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaften. Hager will participate in the upcoming Leibniz-Event “Book A Scientist” with the topic “Militaries in the Middle East and North Africa”. 

    Rosanna Fanni co-authored a report titled “Strengthening international cooperation on Artificial Intelligence”. She also presented her paper "Tracing transatlantic norm cohesion and collision processes in AI risk governance" at the 2nd Symposium for Intercultural Digital Ethics hosted by Harvard Carr Center for Human rights and Oxford Internet Institute. Rosanna has further attended MIGROBAL Winter School at Utrecht University.  

    Viviana García Pinzón participated in the 2nd Graduate Workshop of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies at the University Regensburg in cooperation with the Leibniz Science Campus Europe and America in the Modern World. She presented the paper “Sovereignty and hybrid governance in the urban peripheries of Latin America”.

    The Doctoral Researchers held their Annual General Assembly and elected Asma Khalifa, Jorge A. Rincón Barajas and Askan Weidemann as their new Representatives of Doctoral Researchers. A big thank you to our outgoing Representatives Hager Ali and Jan Klenke for their work!


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