In Brief | 24/06/2021
Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.
In May, Rafael Castro presented a paper on Latin American Regionalism after the Covid Crisis at the Latin American Studies Association annual conference. The paper is co-authored with Detlef Nolte.
Clara Franco is now alumni ambassador of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (IHEID for its name in French, "Institut d'Hautes Études Internationales et du Dévéloppement"), where she studied her Master in International Affairs. The Graduate Institute is a well-known, policy-oriented research institution in Switzerland.
Viviana García Pinzón participated at the LASA conference with a paper titled: “Community organization, transnational networks, and resistance to criminal violence in El Salvador”.
Swantje Schirmer participated at the ECPR Joint Session „The Legitimation of International Organizations in Disruptive Times“. She presented her paper “Human Rights in the Arab League and CARICOM – Approaching Legitimation Contests in the Global South”.
Kees Haasnoot handed in his dissertation titled “Essays on the effects of subnational border reform in India” at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!
Christopher Huber handed in his dissertation titled "Imposing sanctions on violent non-state actors to restore international peace and security. A systematic analysis of the conditions under which UN targeted sanctions work" at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!