In Brief | 01/09/2022
Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.
Tom Konzack has handed in his dissertation titled „From Peaceful Protest to Carnage: The Role of Resources and Sponsors in the Tactical Choices of Non-State Actors" at the University of Hamburg. Congratulations!
DP Alumnus Michael Strautmann has published his dissertation “Interorganisational Coordination in Development Cooperation. How Communication at the Country Level Transforms Fragmentation into Coherence and Complementarity” as a book with Nomos Verlag. It can be found here. Congratulations!
DP Alumnus Pedro Costa won special recognition from the Latin American Political Sciences Association (ALACIP) at the Guillermo O’Donnell Award ceremony. His dissertation titled “O papel esquecido do Poder Legislativo na trajetória das políticas de transferência de renda no Brasil” (“The overlooked role of the Brazilian Congress in shaping the Bolsa Família Program: A new approach to the policy-making of conditional cash transfers”) received Special Mention for 2nd place.You can read more about the award and his dissertation here. Congratulations!
Valeria Morales attended the ALAEITS Conference, where she gave a talk about COVID-19 and Social Policy.
We welcome two new Visiting Doctoral Researchers. Mira E. Burmeister-Rudolph from the University of Amsterdam, and Marwa Wasfy from the University of Kent. Mira stays with us from August until November 2022. She is currently working on a paper for her dissertation titled “Norm entrepreneurship in global and regional migration governance: The role of national identity and foreign policy of low-wage migrants origin states“. Marwa stays with us from August until October and is writing her dissertation on “NATO Heading South: Re-Examination of the Transatlantic Security Community after the Arab Spring.