GIGA Journal Family | 01/12/2019

New Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 3/2019

  • More democracy in Myanmar? The current special issue of the Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs focuses on the political developments since the beginning of the democratic transformation process in 2011, offering background analyses on topics such as legislative institutionalisation, party structures, and the persistent violence against minorities.

    Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs Vol. 38, No. 3 (2019)

    Special Issue: Myanmar`s political transformation since 2011


    • Marco Bünte, Patrick Köllner, Richard Roewer: Taking Stock of Myanmar’s Political Transformation since 2011 Abstract | PDF

    Research Articles

    • Renaud Egreteau: Towards Legislative Institutionalisation? Emerging Patterns of Routinisation in Myanmar’s Parliament Abstract | PDF

    • Richard Roewer: Three Faces of Party Organisation in the National League for Democracy Abstract | PDF

    • Kristian Stokke: Political Representation by Ethnic Parties? Electoral Performance and Party-Building Processes among Ethnic Parties in Myanmar Abstract | PDF

    • Matthew J. Walton: Containing the Self-Interested Individual: Moral Scepticism of Political Parties in Myanmar Abstract | PDF

    • Gerard McCarthy: Class Dismissed? Explaining the Absence of Economic Injustice in the NLD’s Governing Agenda Abstract | PDF

    • Catherine Renshaw: Myanmar's Transition without Justice Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

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