GIGA Journal Family | 07/12/2022

New Africa Spectrum 3/2022

The current issue of Africa Spectrum highlights some of the primary topics concerning the region nowadays. These issues include party regimes in Tanzania, military coups in Sudan, Catholic missionary work, and an evaluation of the humanitarian situation across the continent.

  • Africa Spectrum Vol. 57, No. 3 (2022)

    Research Articles

    • Francisco M.P. Mugizi, Parestico Pastory: Do Hegemonic-Party Regimes Reward or Punish Voters? A Tale of Distributive Politics in Tanzania Abstract | PDF

    • Tycho Alexander van der Hoog: Brewing Tensions: The Colonial Gaze of the German–Namibian Publishing Industry Abstract | PDF

    • Baskouda S.K. Shelley: Catholic Missionary Work and “Political” Support: The Tokombéré Youth Centre Since 1974 Abstract | PDF

    Review Article

    • Chikezirim Nwoke, Logan Cochrane: Systematic Review of Gender and Humanitarian Situations Across Africa Abstract | PDF

    Analyses and Reports

    • Hager Ali, Salah Ben Hammou, Jonathan M. Powell: Between Coups and Election: Constitutional Engineering and Military Entrenchment in Sudan Abstract | PDF

    Book Reviews

    • Christof Hartmann: Book Review: Undoing Coups. The African Union and Post-coup Intervention in Madagascar by Antonia Witt Abstract | PDF

    • Tom Goodfellow: Book Review: Uganda: The Dynamics of Neoliberal Transformation by Jörg Wiegratz, Giuliano Martiniello and Elisa Greco Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

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