Research | 17/02/2020

Munich Security Conference 2020

GIGA President sets the stage for Federal Foreign Minister Maas and moderates panel on Westlessness in the world.

  • Picture of Prof. Amrita Narlikar on a Podium
    © MSC / Kuhlamnn

    At the heart of this year’s Munich Security Conference was the state of the West and a wide-spread perception of “Westlessness.” The term, coined by the Munich Security Report 2020, refers to a divided and in some parts increasingly illiberal West that seems to be retreating from the global stage. The GIGA was represented at the MSC for the first time this year.

    Our President Professor Amrita Narlikar was invited to moderate the panel “Westlessness in the World: Multilateralism in a Changing International Order.” To see this inspiring event with Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in scene-setting speech and panellists Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar (Minister of External Affairs, Republic of India), Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, European Commission), Kang Kyung-Wha (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea), Lindsey O. Graham (Senator, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, United States of America) go to the video.

    At the Munich Security Conference 2020, held from 14 to 16 February, hundreds of senior leaders and thinkers from politics, international organizations, business and civil society gathered to discuss preeminent crises and future security challenges around the world. A focal point at the conference was the role of the Western alliance, liberal values and multilateralism in the current geopolitical landscape (


    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Former President


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