In Brief | 11/12/2020
Learn more about the activities of our doctoral students in the past month.
Lisa Hoffmann handed in her dissertation titled “Social Cohesion under Threat? Evidence from Behavioral Experiments in sub-Saharan Africa” at the University of Hamburg. Congratulations!
Lisa Hoffmann, Désirée Reder, Niklas Krösche and Swantje Schirmer succesfully organised their workshop titled "Considering Ethics and Safety in Field Research in the Global South". The event took place 7-8 December 2020.
Swantje Schirmer presented a paper at the workshop „(Self-)Legitimation of International Organizations in Disruptive Times“. The workshop was organised by the LegRO-Project in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg.
Leonardo Bandarra moderated a GIGA event called "Debating the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: Regional Perspectives". He also co-published an article titled “Triply silenced agents: cognitive structures and girl soldiers in Colombia”.
Viviana García Pinzón co-organized and served as moderator in the seminar “Factores asociados a la persistencia de la violencia en el Caribe Colombiano: balance a partir de los Acuerdos de Paz con los grupos paramilitares y las guerrillas de las FARC-EP”. The seminar was hosted by the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute of the University of Freiburg in November. Furthermore, her article "Contested borders: organized crime, governance, and bordering practices in Colombia-Venezuela borderlands" was published in the journal Trends in Organized Crime. The article is co-authored with Jorge Mantilla (University of Illinois).
Hager Ali wrote a book-review on the recently published book "Quagmire in Civil War" with Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Additionally, she published an article in Zenith Magazine on Civil-Military Relations and the Arab Spring for the "das Arabische Jahrzehnt"-Dossier. She gave a keynote for the Academic Association for Security Studies on Military Withdrawal in Iraq and Afghanistan on November 28th. Currently, Hager is working on the next IMES GIGA Focus contribution on Egypt.