GIGA Forum
06:00 p.m. (CET)
China, known to date as the workshop of the world, aims to become an innovation superpower in future. The country is investing self-confidently in Europe and is pushing to receive market-economy status from the EU. In terms of foreign affairs, China is not abiding by Western-made rules, is vehemently laying claim to disputed maritime territories in Southeast Asia, and is initiating ambitious international projects through the Silk Road initiative. Above all, China does not want to become democratic (in the Western sense) and is critical of the West’s political system.
Why are our expectations of China’s economic and political transformation not being realised? And does the country really have an alternative to the West’s liberal economic and political model ready? GIGA researchers will discuss these questions at the GIGA Forum “China’s New Self-Confidence – A Challenge for the West.”
Speakers Dr. Margot Schüller is a senior research fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies. Her research focuses on innovation and economic development in China.
Dr. Yun Schüler-Zhou is a research fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies. Her research focuses on Chinese–European investment relations.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Nele Noesselt holds the Chair for Political Science with a Focus on China/East Asia at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Her research focuses on China’s domestic and foreign policy.
Moderator Bernhard Bartsch is a senior expert in the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Germany and Asia Programme. He previously worked for 12 years as an East Asia correspondent in Peking.
GIGA Hamburg, Hamburg