Cooperation Event

Körber Multilateralism Lab | First Session

Roundtable Series in Cooperation with the GIGA



Participants of the roundtable

  • The Körber Multilateralism Lab is a joint initiative of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Körber-Stiftung. It aims to develop innovative approaches to shape the future of the multilateral order through confidential, virtual meetings.


    The COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions are a painful reminder that we are increasingly facing global challenges that unilateral action cannot address. On the one hand, pre-existing global trends such as introspection and anti-globalist tendencies have been aggravated and accelerated. On the other hand, we know that the need for global cooperation has increased even more. Policy fields such as global health are characterized by intense multilateral cooperation and could serve as productive starting points for other policy areas.

    The Körber Multilateralism Lab aims to bring together a small group of influential policy experts, public officials and academics through a series of (virtual) meetings in a confidential setting. In the course of this year, and with the help of forward-looking and collaborative tools, participants will explore and discuss new ideas beyond thought barriers and will test impulses to improve international cooperation and the effectiveness of the multilateral system.

    The sessions will seek to develop innovative approaches to the future shape of the multilateral order and to draw up policy recommendations for action on current global challenges. Sessions will address fields such as global health governance; finance and trade systems; global cooperation amidst increasing use of geoeconomic strategy as well as its implications for international organisations; and Europe’s role in and contributions to multilateral crisis management.

    The Körber Multilateralism Lab is a cooperation of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Körber-Stiftung, bringing together wide-ranging and in-depth expertise in facilitating international dialogue, independent high-quality research, and two global networks of thought leaders and policy experts.

    Contact: Dr. Ronja Scheler Programme Director Paris Peace Forum; The Berlin Pulse E-Mail: [email protected]

    Christin Knüpfer Programme Manager Paris Peace Forum; The Berlin Pulse E-Mail: [email protected]

    Julia Kramer Chief Officer to the President German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) E-Mail: [email protected]


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