GIGA Training
22/11/2021 - 23/11/2021
This intensive 2-day training is a series of practical exercises leading towards a more confident and focused presentation. Each participant will present the first minute of a prepared project presentation on day 1 and then prepare a few slides to present the same presentation for 3-5 minutes with Q&As on day 2. To accelerate the learning process, the trainer gives short theoretical input and feedback between presentations. The members of the group will also offer constructive feedback. Participants will learn how to prepare a presentation, assessing their audience and defining clear goals for communication, how to use presentation media convincingly, and to create more impact with voice, body, eye-contact and content.
The course takes place online on 22 and 23 November 2021 from 9am to 4pm.
About the trainer
Torsten Rother is a communication trainer at Sprechwege that offers tailor-made trainings on presentation, moderation, and conversation skills. Clients include public administration, universities, institutions in the field of teacher training, adult education and vocational training as well as non-profit organizations.
*Please note that the registration period has closed.
Online Course