GIGA Training
26/11/2020 - 27/11/2020
Cultural diversity is potentially enriching. At the same time - every now and then - it might be challenging. During this training we will explore cultural diversity and its implications for every-day communication. We will start with reflecting our own identities and the assumptions, priorities and expectations that go along with them. Then we will learn about basic concepts and simple tools of intercultural competence. A significant part of the workshop relies on exercises and case studies though. Based on short impulses this rather practical approach will leave space for exchanging own cultural experiences. Together, we will analyse typical misunderstandings that might occur and reflect on incidents, we might have experienced ourselves. Doing so we will discuss how to prevent and avoid those. In order to cope and deal with complex situations in the future we will finally collect constructive strategies for cross-cultural interaction. By broadening our perspective and sharping our perception for other styles of communication the goal is for us to take another big step towards working effectively and communicating appropriately in teams. In a nutshell we will cover the following topics:
Reflecting our own identities
Exploring cultural diversity
Analysing critical incidents
Strategies for cross-cultural interaction
The course will take place online on 26 and 27 November 2020.
About the trainer
Ulrike Zillmer-Tantan, M.A. holds a degree in Applied Cultural Sciences (Leuphana University Lüneburg). Based in Berlin, she has been working and teaching at the Center for Intercultural Learning at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) since 2015. She has a broad international experience, having lived and studied in four different parts of the world so far, working with international students and staff for over fifteen years and teaching students as well as staff at several universities in Germany and abroad.
Online Course