GIGA Training
04/05/2023 - 11/05/2023
Finishing a PhD and being on the academic job market can be daunting. This course makes the „hidden curriculum“ around postdoc application documents visible enabling applicants to „control what they can control“. The first session covers the following topics: When to start preparing and what you need, managing different applications simultaneously, deciphering job ads and how to structure a cover letter. In-between the two sessions, participants write their own (mock) cover letter. In the second session, participants receive feedback on their cover letters. The second session also covers CV formatting, the research plan/statement and how to deal with rejections. Preparation: Please bring along a job ad for an academic job you could see yourself applying to. It does not need to be a current ad. Please note: While some aspects might apply to applications in other fields, this course focuses on applications for postdocs right after the PhD. It is suitable for PhD candidates who are already close to finishing their dissertation and for PhD candidates in earlier stages who want to start thinking about what comes next.
The course will take place in person on 5 May and 11 May 2023 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. A link to the course and further information will be provided to the participants after successful registration. *Please note that this course in GIGA internal only*
About the lecturer
Sabine Mokry is a Ph.D. candidate at Leiden University’s Institute for Political Science and an Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies. In her recently submitted dissertation, she investigates under what conditions Chinese societal actors, specifically experts working at think tanks and scholars, influence the official construction of China’s national interest.
*Please note that the registration period has closed.
GIGA Hamburg