Cooperation | 30/10/2020

New Issue of PINPoints

PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN.

  • Detail of the cover of PINPoint 48
    © GIGA

    A new issue of PINPoints has just been published.

    PINPoints #48 lays its focus on negotiation training and covers the following issues:

    • Online Training

    • Face-to-Face Training

    • Approaches to Training

    • Tools in Training

    • People in Training

    • Culture in Training

    The GIGA and the PIN network are taking the current pandemic situation very seriously. Our primary objective is to protect the health of all team members, guests, and cooperation partners. In light of the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, our annual PIN conference had to be postponed. We are hopeful that we will be able to use this platform of exchange again in the coming year. We will inform you about the further planning. In the meantime, the work continues online. We wish fruitful deliberations and an interesting read of our latest PINPoints edition.

    About PIN The Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) network is a non-profit group of scholars and practitioners that encourages and organises research on a broad spectrum of topics related to international negotiation seen as a process. Its objectives include the dissemination of new knowledge about negotiation as widely as possible, and fostering collaboration between scholars and practitioners interested in the subject, for the purpose of improving analysis and practice of negotiation worldwide.


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