Award | 07/07/2016

Fana Gebresenbet gewinnt Young African Scholar Award

The award honours outstanding research by up-and-coming African scholars.

The award honours outstanding research by up-and-coming African scholars.

PhD candidate Fana Gebresenbet from Ethiopia has won the inaugural Young African Scholar Award. The award, established jointly by the Centre for Africa Studies at South Africa’s University of the Free State (UFS) and Africa Spectrum, an academic journal published by the GIGA, honours outstanding research by up-and-coming African scholars. The article, published in Africa Spectrum’s current issue, deals with access to and acquisition of land in western Ethiopia.

The Young African Scholar Award seeks to strengthen efforts to promote internationally recognised African scholarship in African Studies. In addition to the publication of the winning article in Africa Spectrum, the award includes a three-year affiliation with the UFS Centre for Africa Studies as a Research Fellow, and prize money of ZAR 5,000.

Click here to read Fana Gebresenbet’s article “Land Acquisitions, the Politics of Dispossession, and State-Remaking in Gambella, Western Ethiopia”.


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