Leonardo Morlino / Mariana Llanos / Leiv Marsteintredet


Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics | 2023

  • Abstract

    This concluding chapter analyses how and to what extent the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the course of or affected democratic institutions in Latin America by reviewing and assessing their reactions thereto. It starts from the idea that the pandemic, in particular in countries where institutions are weak and state deficiencies rampant, can be considered a sort of litmus test of the resilience of democracy. It examines whether, in terms of impact and political consequences, the pandemic brought about a critical juncture for all those democracies; had a catalysing effect; had mixed effects (but ones impossible to specify exactly); or, had no impact or consequences. Overall, based on the various analyses provided in this volume regarding the presidency, Congress, the Supreme Court, electoral bodies and the military, the catalyst hypothesis is the one found to be most valid: significant changes were indeed observable, but ultimately all of them were gradual and can be characterised as existing contextual factors having been either magnified or weakened by the pandemic. Even though the latter offered presidents the opportunity to assert their own agendas and increase their power over other institutions, there was a noted resilience regardless of prominent democratic institutions such as parliament and the courts.

    Published in

    Latin America in Times of Turbulence


    Mariana Llanos

    Leiv Marsteintredet


    Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics









    New York

    Prof. Dr. Leonardo Morlino

    Prof. Dr. Leonardo Morlino

    LUISS University

    Prof. Dr. Leiv Marsteintredet

    Prof. Dr. Leiv Marsteintredet

    Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen


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