GIGA Focus International Edition English

Saudi Arabia Exporting Salafi Education and Radicalizing Indonesia’s Muslims

Nummer 7 | 2014 | ISSN: 2196-3940

  • Salafis, who defend a very conservative, literal interpretation of Islam and treat Shia Muslims with hostility, are not just a phenomenon in the Middle East. They are increasingly pressuring Shias and other religious minorities in Indonesia, too.


    Saudi Arabia is the world’s main provider of Islamic education. In addition to promoting Salafism and maligning other religious communities, Saudi educational materials present the kingdom in a favorable light and can also exacerbate religious strife, as they are doing in Indonesia. The Saudi educational program aims to create global alliances and legitimize the Saudi claim to be the leader of Islam – at home and abroad.

    • Since switching to democracy in 1998, Indonesia has been shaken time and again by Salafi religious discrimination and violence, often on the part of graduates of LIPIA College in Jakarta, which was founded by Saudi Arabia in 1980.

    • Domestically, Saudi Arabia uses educational institutions to stabilize the system; since the 1960s, it has become the largest exporter of Islamic education. After Saudi Arabia began to fight with Iran for religious hegemony in 1979, it founded schools and universities worldwide to propagate its educational traditions.

    • In Jakarta, LIPIA represents a Saudi microcosm where Salafi norms and traditions prevail. LIPIA not only helps Saudi Arabia to influence Indonesian society, it also provides a gateway to all of Southeast Asia.

    • As long as Muslim societies fail to create attractive government-run educational institutions for their citizens, there will be ample room for Saudi influence.


      Wie man diesen Artikel zitiert

      tho Seeth, Amanda Kovacs (2014), Saudi Arabia Exporting Salafi Education and Radicalizing Indonesia’s Muslims, GIGA Focus International Edition English, 7, Hamburg: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA),


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